What have you stumbled into here?
I’m Kelly Bostian, 35 years a newspaper outdoors writer and editor in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Tulsa Oklahoma, and I’m continuing to share stories and how-tos, characters, and issues. Now I just do it without a printing press.
Here you’ll find in-depth columns, essays, and how-to stories, and the opportunity to take part in the comments and conversation about outdoor pursuits and nature.
What is truly great about sharing the outdoors is meeting new people and making great friends. Now that the pandemic seems to have subsided, I look forward to introducing you to a few more! Subscribe and get in on the most in-depth stories and the conversation. Add your two cents about what you’d like to read about and join in the polite discussion about what’s going on out there.
“What is truly great about sharing the outdoors is meeting new people and making great friends.”
New features and old friends
I post at least once a week, on average. Busy times with other work sometimes push the column to the background for a few days, but we’ll always catch up with new stories.
Watch for Creek Bends columns in months to come. I’ll be posting from a location along Snake Creek in northeast Oklahoma. These columns will focus on what happens on that property—which is slated for habitat improvement and recovery.
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