What's going on out there? Trout, eagles, birds and new rules
Trout pond is stocked, eagles are back and the bird count is on in spite of Covid-19
Veterans Park Pond at Jenks has been busy this week with the arrival of rainbow trout stocked for the winter months.
Don’t fret if you missed the early rush for the first 900 or so stocked into the pond on Monday. Six more stockings will take place, roughly every two weeks December through February, according to Josh Johnston, northeast region fisheries biologist with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Sapulpa’s Pretty Water lake also has trout stocked this winter and plans set for trout to be stocked for the Trout Pond for Tulsa at Christmastime courtesy of Trout Unlimited Chapter 420 and NatureWorks.
Eagles aplenty
Tulsa area guide Jack Morris witnessed an unusual gathering on his southeast Kansas property this week.
He heard whistling while sitting on his deer stand he recognized as bald eagles and then “a lot of other sounds I’ve never heard eagles make.” He eventually spotted a group of nine bald eagles—mature birds to young-of-the year—gathered in a sycamore at a nearby creek.
Upon investigation he found the carcass of a 9-point buck in the creek that apparently provided a source of food for the birds for a few days.
Bald eagles should be a common sight now in Oklahoma, especially along the Arkansas River system, as the egg-laying season for nesting bald eagles runs December through February. The number of known nesting pairs in Oklahoma has grown from 33 in 2003 to more than 200 as of 2020.
Tulsa Christmas Bird Count, with a twist
The date for Tulsa Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count event is Dec. 19 but COVID-19 means the long-held event that had the participants carpooling and sharing rides in the designated 15-mile area will need to make some adjustments.
The opportunity for newcomers and rank amateurs will be tougher for the 121st count by the National Audubon Society without a chance to ride with others in a vehicle, so outdoors meeting places might have to be arranged or other arrangements made.
“Right now we are planning to hold the count as scheduled, but with some modifications, such as no carpooling (except same family members) and cancelling the after count soup dinner and countdown,” the group notes on its web page at tulsaaudubon.org.
In short, the bird count could use all the help it can get from area amateur and experienced birders so all are encouraged to pitch in if they can.
To participate contact CBC Coordinator Jeff Cox at 918-629-2140 or jeffacox54@gmail.com, and Jeff will assign you to a team. Watch for updates at tulsaaudubon.org.
Comment now on proposed hunting, fishing rules
Hunters, anglers and all interested in wildlife management have a chance to speak up on 114 proposed rule changes to Oklahoma’s hunting and fishing regulations the next four weeks.
Review the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's 2021 Rule Change Proposals at the Wildlife Department web site, wildlifedepartment.com. Comments will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on January 8, 2021.
Those who review the Title 800 rules will see strike-through on nearly all the language relating to daily limits, but changes actually are few. An editing, or house cleaning, has clarified and simplified the language and eliminated redundancies throughout.
New fishing rules of note would reduce the statewide daily limit for rainbow trout from six to three, allow snagging of paddlefish in the Arkansas River below Zink Dam at Tulsa April 15-May 15 where it previously has not been allowed, and clarifies that fish killed in fishing methods such as gigging or bowfishing are not be disposed of within 25 yards of a boat ramp, areas that can be waded, or designated swimming areas. Fishing regulation proposals also set an aggregate daily bag limit of three fish at Close to Home fishing areas, which would open those ponds for keeping largemouth bass that previously were catch-and-release only.
Hunting regulations changes are primarily housekeeping measures, although proposals would remove spring turkey season dates from Title 800 and allow for those to be set annually by the Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Comment and read the specific changes online at wildlifedepartment.com, attend a public comment hearing at 7 p.m. on Jan. 7, 2021 at the Wildlife Department Headquarters, 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd. in Oklahoma City or comment by mail to: Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, RE: Public Comment, P.O. Box 53465, OKC, OK 73152.
DEC. 5—Waterfowl season Dec. 5-Jan. 31, 2021.
DEC. 6—Last day of deer gun season.
DEC. 9—Crow season opens Dec. 9-March 4, 2021.
DEC. 12 —Junior Naturalists (ages 8-12) is a program at Oxley Nature Center held 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. the second Saturday of each month. Students meet at Fawn Grove and learn crafts, wilderness skills, hike, journal, tell stories and let the seasons and curiosity guide their time. Registration is required. It’s free for members ($20 annual single, $35 family) or $5 per session. Get more information at Oxleynaturecenter.org
DEC. 18-DEC. 31—Holiday antlerless gun season.
DEC. 19—Tulsa Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count. To participate contact CBC Coordinator Jeff Cox at 918-629-2140 or jeffacox54@gmail.com, and Jeff will assign you to a team. Watch for details at tulsaaudubon.org.
DEC. 20—Join volunteers at Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area for its Clean up and Maintenance Day, Dec. 20, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Come anytime and you'll be assigned to a small group or bring your own group to help with trail clean up and some light maintenance. For more information check the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area Facebook page.