What's going on out there? Rut, rainbows and... Redbud?
This week's quick hits and calendar items
In Oklahoma you can pretty much figure that if the rifle season opens next week, the peak of the first rut is coming into play right here about a week prior.
Biology tells us that photoperiod—the interval within a 24-hour period of seasonal daylight—is the main trigger for the rut, but hunters who have observed and read all the magazines know that the rut progresses in stages and that it may vary by year depending on your habitat, weather, health of your herd, sex ratios, and other factors.
Part of the goal with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s “Hunters in the Know Take a Doe” mantra and increased opportunities for hunters to shoot does this fall relates to rutting behavior—and of course the reproduction schedule that comes along with it. The ideal situation, biologists say, is to have one limited rut period in an area, rather than a series that may string out early November through December as does that haven’t been covered come into second estrus.
A healthy ratio not only contributes to the health of a herd overall by limiting the rut period but can work to the favor of hunters in the know who can target a more defined period when the bucks are on the move and identify pre- and post-rut times.
This should be a big weekend for bowhunters with bucks on the move. Rattle ‘em up and knock ‘em down, folks.
Walk about and fall for Redbud Valley
When the fall colors hit last weekend I had Redbud Valley Nature Preserve on my mind, and it’s still a good bet for a fall hike close to town even after a few days of high winds and falling leaves.
If you have never walked the Preserve, get out there and check it out this weekend. The trails are a bit more rugged and narrow in places than Turkey Mountain and it is more a nature hike than a run, jog, bike path, but there is nothing else like it near here and it’s well worth the walk.
Check out the trail map and detailed info about Redbud through the Oxley Nature Center web site. It’s just north of I-44 on 161st E. Avenue (north of the Tulsa Stockyards). The trails are open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday only. The Redbud Valley Visitor Center is open 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Facebook post of the week: Donavan Clary’s live feed on Blue River and flies
If you are not familiar with “trash flies,” or the tricky granite and limestone terrain of the Blue River Public Fishing Area you will want to check Clary’s Blue River fishing intro live video on his Donavan Clary Fly Fish Guide Facebook page.
It’s a nice look at the river (Clary recommends you not go without a wading staff) and he gives you a once-over on his fly boxes—both the trash and the naturals.
Here in Tulsa the places to look for flies are downtown at The Gadget Co. (104 E. 15th St) or at Bass Pro Shops out in Broken Arrow.
If you like to support the rural fishing areas the spot to get flies (or bait) is Scotty’s Blue River One Stop, located at the entrance to the Blue River area off State Highway 377 near Tishomingo.
Don’t miss out: Winter rainbow trout fisheries are stocked
Trout are stocked and fishing is open at Oklahoma’s six seasonal trout fishing areas.
Break out your ultra-light tackle or fly rod and head to the Perry CCC/Lake Perry Park, Robbers Cave, Blue River, Lake Watonga, Sunset Lake or Medicine Park and hook some of the rainbows provided by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Fishing remains good at the state’s two year-round trout fisheries, at the Lower Illinois River and Lower Mt. Fork River as well, but be sure to check release schedules and river conditions before you go.
Locally, Veterans Park Pond in Jenks should be stocked beginning Dec. 1 and the Trout Pond for Tulsa at The Gardens at LaFortune Park, sponsored by Trout Unlimited Chapter 420 and NatureWorks, is planned for stocking and to open for youth-days at Christmas
Can’t say it enough, ODWC guided youth waterfowl hunts available all season
Young hunters age 12 to 15 and adults looking for a mentor to help their kids get off to a good start should apply for a Wildlife Department sponsored guided youth hunt.
Hunters and their guides set the dates for these hunts, which take place at Fort Cobb State Park, Fort Gibson Lake, Hackberry Flat Wildlife Management Area, Keystone Lake, Packsaddle WMA, Vann’s Lake and Wister Lake Refuge.
For information on the hunts contact Jeff Neal, migratory game bird technician, at 405-396-2503 or jeff.neal@odwc.ok.gov.
Mark your calendars
NOV. 14—Junior Naturalists (ages 8-12) is a program at Oxley Nature Center held 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. the second Saturday of each month. Students meet at Fawn Grove and learn crafts, wilderness skills, hike, journal, tell stories and let the seasons and curiosity guide their time. Registration is required. It’s free for members ($20 annual single, $35 family) or $5 per session. Get more information at Oxleynaturecenter.org.
NOV. 14—Duck season opens Nov. 14-Nov. 29 in Zones 1 & 2. (Panhandle is open Oct. 10-Jan. 6) Remember to get both state and federal duck stamps and put a plug in your shotgun so it will hold only three shells and use only non-toxic shot. Those are the most common violations. Daily limit on ducks is six combined, no more than five of which may be mallards (only two may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, two canvasbacks on scaup and one pintail. The limit on mergansers is five (no more than two of which may be hooded mergansers). Download the Go Outdoors Oklahoma app to get your licenses, stamps and check the regulations before you go.
NOV. 14— Quail season opens Nov. 14-Feb. 15, 2021. The outlook for birds this year is similar to last season. (Pheasant, as always, opens Dec. 1)
NOV. 16 – Did you know crow season is still open for a few days, through Nov. 16? Yeah, neither did I. Help out a pecan farmer and go pop some crows.
NOV 21—Get prepared for the biggest hunting season of the year. Rifle season for white-tailed deer, is going to be here before you know it. Season runs Nov. 21-Dec. 6. Check ahead this year to make sure the meat processor you use is available to process venison this year. Many processors have been over-booked with beef and pork due to demand arising from the coronavirus pandemic.