What's going on out there? Cold, bird counts, Rut Part II and the Geminids
Wintry weather will help waterfowlers, get deer moving, and treat bird counters well
Waterfowl hunters had some tough days recently with birds feeding at night by the full moon and loafing all day under bluebird skies, but that trend is coming to an end.
Lows in the 20s are forecast for Sunday through Wednesday. We might even see some light snow or a touch of rain. That means it’s time to check your tires and get yourself in the mindset to drive carefully—and that you’ll find improved hunting conditions if you get to the field safely.
Guides from northern areas to south report plenty of ducks and geese in the state, but the qualify their reports with a note that it sure would be nice to see some fresh migrants that are a little less wary and less familiar with the territory.
Guide Gordie Montgomery said he has been giving birds in his area a rest several days a week but doing well on days that he does host hunter—although some days require a little more work than others.
Likewise guides Jack Morris, who works areas across North Central Oklahoma and Brad Albeck, who operates to the south, said they had days that were off and some when the birds were on.
“When it’s 70 degrees and the sky is blue you just don’t see much action,” Albeck said. “The birds don’t have any reason to get up and move around.”
We are in that part of duck season when we pray for weather cold enough here to keep birds concentrated and hungry, and cold and snowy enough up North to keep pushing birds south—emphasis on snowy.
Even in extreme cold large groups of mallards will stay up north as long as they have some open water and fields where they can feed. We want to see deep snow and extreme cold up there—with apoologies to our northern neighbors.
The National Weather Service forecast late Friday stated the next winter storm threat was currently over the Intermountain West and would bring a swath of snow from the central/southern Rockies, across the central Plains, and eventually toward the central Appalachians by Monday.
Christmas Bird Count efforts could use some extra help in 2020
Two Christmas Bird Count events are set for Dec. 19, and it should be a great day to jump in the car, run an assigned route, and spend a day—or a few hours—for the birds.
The international 121st Audubon Count is organized into “count circles” with local clubs coordinating efforts for the designated areas between December 14 and January 5, 2021.
Counts Saturday will take place in north Tulsa and at the Hulah Wildlife Management Area about 17 miles north of Pawhuska, near the Kansas State Line. Look for other counts around the state by clicking into Audubon’s nationwide map of count circles at audubon.org.
Because of COVID-19 the long-held events that had the participants carpooling for the count and gathering for a dinner after the effort will be a little different. The opportunity for newcomers and rank amateurs will be tougher without a chance to ride with others in a vehicle, so outdoors meeting places might have to be arranged for mutual hikes or other arrangements might have to be made.
It means this year’s bird counts could use all the help they can get from area amateur and experienced birders. All are encouraged to pitch in on the country’s oldest and longest-running citizen science project.
The Tallgrass Prairie Preserve count is set for January 2, 2021. Both the Hulah and Tallgrass counts are organized by Don Wolfe. He can be reached at 918-397-4885 or dwolfe@suttoncenter.org.
To participate in the Tulsa count contact CBC Coordinator Jeff Cox at 918-629-2140 or jeffacox54@gmail.com.
If it’s mid-December it must be time for Rut Part Deux
As all deer hunters know from the state’s efforts to encourage “hunters in the know” to take a doe, the female of the species is plentiful and in many areas that means those not covered in late October or early November may come back into estrous in mid to late December.
Cold weather will have deer up and moving and looking for food, but the older and more experienced bucks do not overlook the “second rut,” according to longtime guide Jack Morris.
“They won’t give up,” he said. “They will still be on the prowl and this time of year a drag rag can work for you.”
Any variety of doe-in-heat scents can be used while literally dragging a piece of cloth wetted with the scent toward your stand and the rag can hang in a nearby tree while you hunt. While serving as a potential lure, the drag rag also can work for a bow hunter as a cover scent.
What’s coming up
DEC. 13-14 — The Geminids Meteor Shower is expected to peak for viewers in Northeast Oklahoma the nights of Dec. 13-14. Views with to 120 meteors per hour are expected. The Geminids are considered to be one of the most spectacular of the year. The shower owes its name to the constellation Gemini because the meteors seem to emerge from this constellation in the sky.
DEC. 18-31 — The Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun Season opens (in zones) for additional harvest of does the end of the month. Antlerless deer taken during this season do not count toward the annual six-deer limit. Hunters may take one additional antlerless deer. Unfilled deer tags are not valid for this hunt. Purchase of a special tag is necessary. Unfilled antlerless youth deer gun season licenses are valid for this hunt, however. Look for the full regulations at wildlifedepartment.com.
DEC. 19 — Christmas Bird Counts are planned for north of Tulsa and at the Hulah Wildlife Management Area. Contact Don Wolfe for the Hulah count at 918-397-4885 or dwolfe@suttoncenter.org or Jeff Cox for the Tulsa Count at 918-629-2140 or jeffacox54@gmail.com.
Video of the week
If you have not been to the Blue River Winter Trout Fishing area and wonder what it might be like, Trout Unlimited Member and Oklahoma Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing founder Chris Gorman posted a very good overview video recently.
Check it out. Nice job Chris!