All things outdoors: Hunting, fishing, nature and conservation news
Welcome to the KJBOutdoors blog
All things outdoors, that pretty much says it.
From the time I started an outdoors column in the college daily at Iowa State University in about 1982 the broad range of all the outdoors has to offer has been my beat. I don’t work at a newspaper anymore, but why stop now?
Hunting and fishing will be the anchoring topics, rounded out by shooting sports (firearms to traditional archery), bits about nature and woods skills, habitat and conservation issues, the list goes on.
All things.
The freedom to do my own thing here might let me stretch some boundaries I would never approach in a newspaper column. Maybe I’ll do some essays. Perhaps some podcasts that take the conversations… who knows where.
Comments are encouraged! I’d like to keep a dialogue going with everyone on the blog and if you have requests on things you’d like me to explore… fire away.
So here’s the blog, not just to replace the Sunday columns I wrote for the Tulsa World for the past 12 years, but to add in just a little more fun and put all those, cough, decades, to use.
Thursday posts will be more event and news related. Sunday’s will be a little more in-depth and those are the ones I’ll really need subscriptions to keep fueling. This hauling cameras into the woods stuff? It’s not cheap and it takes a lot of time.
Please think about signing up to support the effort. Let’s see what’s going on out there together.
In the meantime, tell your friends!